

“Together we will find your way” – this is my motto. I am sure there is always the right way and we need to be out there to find it. And I will support you with this – either on a yogic journey or through online marketingWith MELomm as my brand I am covering two of my passions: Yoga and Online Marketing Management. 

And why now is it called “MELomm” you ask? Well, finding a a name wasn’t too easy for me and I really didn’t just want to have my name. But my initials I felt okay with, which is how I ended up with “MEL”. And “omm” just suits perfectly! “Online Marketing Management” shortens with “omm”; plus there is the yogic Om! I know, I know. My version is written with two ‘ms’, but if you’ve ever been to a yoga class where you had an Om at the beginn and or end of class, you know it feels like way more than one ‘m’. Funfact: “Mellom” is also a Norwegian word; written slightly differently and meaning something like “between”. I think that also matches very well. So, now that you know: choose your path: is it Yoga? Or Online Marketing? Or both?

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